Macro Photography Competition 2023 - Top 10 Finalists
To celebrate all the fantastic work created by our members we asked them to create images inspired by our Macro Photography course and enter them to our latest competition. Now it’s time for you to choose a winner!
We received hundreds of incredible images that reflect the work taught in Oliver Wright’s Macro course.
Us at TSOP together with Oliver Wright, have chosen our Top 10 Finalists and we now need your help choosing the winner.
Take a look at our finalists to see what our members have created then please vote for your favourite image.
Get access to ALL our online courses – over 1000’s videos, worksheets, critiques of student’s work, personalised support and much more with our monthly membership.
The Prizes
There are two prizes up for grabs:
The People’s Vote:
The 10 finalists will be uploaded to a public gallery (details below). Whichever photo gets the most likes in total will win the peoples vote.
TSOP’s Vote:
Us at The School of Photography together with our pro Macro photography colleague Oliver Wright will decide on the TSOP Vote. Check out our Macro photography course here.
Each winner will get a full year’s free membership plus a signed TSoP Beginner’s Photography book worth £183. On top of this the TSOP’s Vote winner will also receive a brand new Nisi Macro Focusing Rail (worth £159) and The People’s vote winner will receive an MC Macro Close-Up Lens 49mm (worth £79), all kindly provided by Nisi UK.
Nisi Macro Focusing Rail - Model:NM-200s
NiSi MC Macro Close-Up lens 49mm, for telephoto lenses
Voting will take place between 12th June to the 25th June 2023, and the winners will be announced on the 28th June.
The 10 Finalists
Below are the chosen Top 10 Finalists for the Macro 2022 Competition.

Please support fellow photographers by voting for your favourites below
Finalist in order of appearance: Glynis Cameron | Helen Ure | Kathryn Libby | Louise Dark | Mark Bootland | Paul Mannering | Peter Downer | Sabina Negele | Sara Markese | Stephanie Schuck. All pictures are copyright of the photographer.
How to vote
We’ve created a Facebook Gallery showcasing all Top 10 Finalist images and all you need to do, is like & comment on your favourite photos. Not only do you get to see some great photography, but you also get to support fellow photographers by giving their photos some love ❤.
Go through the album and like your favourite images.
Terms and Conditions
This competition is only open to current members of The School of Photography
By entering this competition, you are agreeing to the following:
There is no limit to how many photos you can enter into the competition
Only picture posts with #macro2023 on Facebook and within the student dashboard ‘Macro Photography Comp’ space will be considered
You must have taken the image yourself and own the rights to be able to enter the image
Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash no alternative will be offered
The photographer holds all copyright over their images
By submitting you agree to The School of Photography using the images on social media and to promote this and future competitions
The School of Photography will judge entries and winners will be contacted via the social media site they submitted the photo on
If there is no response from a winner after 3 days of being contacted, we will pick a replacement winner
Prizes will be issued at the end of the competition. The competition ends on the 25th June. Winners will be announced by the 28th of June
All images submitted must be the work of the individual submitting them. Winners may be required to provide the original Raw file of the image for proof of this
Images that show an identifiable person. It is the responsibility of each entrant that the identifiable person in any image submitted was aware that they were being photographed and the entrant has obtained full permission from all involved (or their parent's/guardian's permission if under 16) for their image to be submitted in the competition and that the identifiable person agrees to The School of Photography using the images on social media and to promote this and future competitions
The entrant holds full liability and exonerates The School of Photography of any disputes and loss’s that may arise from such disputes relating to copyright and uses of an identifiable person
Although we endeavour to provide quality prizes The School of Photography cannot warrant sponsors products/services and you agree not to hold The School of Photography, or its staff liable for any losses costs or liabilities that may arise in association with the prizes or sponsors.
A huge thank you from the TSoP Team!
We are extremely proud of our members and impressed by all the images that were submitted. As you can imagine, it was super hard choosing the Top 10 Finalists. We thoroughly enjoyed looking through all the fantastic images and are excited to announce the winner based on your votes!